Garfield County Libraries

Rifle Branch

Rifle, Colorado

The Process

When I was first approached about painting in Rifle, I knew nothing about this town other than the name. When I googled Rifle, I realized quickly that this was a town that had seen more than their fair share of difficulties and controversy. 

I love Colorado and had not yet painted a mural there for The Good of the Hive, so when Lydia Labelle de rios emailed me expressing interest in championing a mural, I was excited! On top of that, the mural location proposed was on a library! Most people don’t know that I used to co-manage a small company based in a mission to get kids reading. So this was a double positive for me.

Rifle, however, is more well known for something other than its amazing library. It became recognized nationally for a local restaurant called Shooters that was owned by Lauren Boebert. She made headlines by letting her staff open carry guns while serving customers. The restaurant has since closed, but Ms. Boebert became the youngest congresswoman ever from that district – largely because of her stance on guns.

Scroll through the photo gallery below to view images from the project.

The Community

My work can be very complex (just like the bees), but on another level it is simple - paint bees and talk to people while doing it. Sometimes it takes a while to get people curious, and this was one of those times. But once people saw what I was doing, they checked in on my progress, stopped by to say hi again and again and in a town that has a reputation of being somewhat divided, we got over 200 people to come together for an evening of bees, stories, music and food. 

The mockingbird is in the mural because To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee had just been banned in Colorado public schools before I got there. That was the first “grown up” book I’d ever read beginning to end and it could not be more relevant to the times than now.

This was not an easy one to paint, but a few local artists joined in and helped me with the flowers and they did an amazing job! More about this project and the amazing people of the town coming in the film!


Featured Press

15 Great Contemporary Artists Deeply Committed to Nature Preservation and Not Only Greenwashing

One Artists’ Global Mission to Paint 50,000 Bees

Meet the Artist Who is Painting 50,000 Bees to Raise Awareness of Their Plight

50,000 Quick & Easy Steps to Global Change


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